Business Restructure + Redundancy
Restructuring your business and making people redundant can be a complex and scary prospect.
We will take time to understand the situation, and work together with you to devise a plan that works for you and your business.
We will then take you through the process from start to finish, working together to minimise the emotional stress and anxiety caused and ensure that staff are consulted and communicated with in the right way. We have a great deal of recent experience and can be trusted to navigate through the legalities and deliver the best business outcome for you.
"Recently, due to the collapse of the economy, we found ourselves in a position we hadn’t anticipated. The circumstances required us to act quickly and our only option for survival was to propose redundancies... It was evident from the onset that Faye's approach was based on a lot of past experience as she was able to quickly create a solid, fair and well organised plan of action. However, the overriding tone of Faye’s approach was respect, compassion and empathy for those affected...Faye is not your average HR professional and we highly recommend her." Matthew Trubow, CEO, Hidden Ltd.